Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Good news for Britain, but don't be too optimistic

A recent article from The Guardian, the british newspaper, reported that the National Institute for Social and Economic Research, a respected think tank, has anounced that the United Kingdom may grow by 0.2% from last August. This assumption cames from the fact that British industry has experience a slow but significant increase last month, according to official statistic lunched recently.

This will mean that, from the final quarter of this year, the UK may join other countries that have leave out the recession, specially the BRIC and other emerging economies. This is a very good news, since the UK has seen a hug jump on its unemployment figures and a decrease in its growing paths. However, equal to another cases, sustainable grow is not likle to occur, giving space to a period of low growth and hig rates of unemployment, kind of a gray and shadow time for the economy and for social policy.

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